Roll On Mini
Prince of Wales Mini School is a district enrichment program offered by the Vancouver School Board. The school was established in 1973 in order to meet the academic and social needs of highly motivated students. Prince of Wales Mini School consists of 140 students from Grade 8 to 12 (28 students in each grade).
Our students are self-motivated and enthusiastic. They enjoy the challenges and rewards of an enriched program. Each class is defined by hard work and camaraderie.
Our parents are supportive and involved. Many parents play an active role in our school community by volunteering as guest speakers, science mentors, Parent Executive Committee members, fundraising coordinators, and trip chaperones. Periodic parent meetings are well attended.
Our teachers bring a wide variety of progressive teaching skills and methodologies to the classroom. They are committed to providing enrichment opportunities for PW Mini School students in a variety of creative ways. They have self-selected to work at this school and to actively develop their teaching practice to meet the needs of academically capable students.
Our school occupies a self-contained building on the grounds adjacent to Prince of Wales Secondary School. The building includes four classrooms, a science lab, two computer labs, an office, a student lounge, and a small gymnasium. All students at Prince of Wales Mini School are considered part of Prince of Wales Secondary School (100 m from PW Mini School). The Mini is a central part of the Main School culture, and yet we also have our own distinct program. This relationship between the Main and the Mini is vital and plays an important part in every Mini School student’s time at Prince of Wales. They have full access to athletic teams, clubs, and facilities in the Main School.
School Motto
Omnis Partis Referret – All the Pieces Matter
Our graduates will be recognized for their character, intellect, and action.
Guiding Principles
The purpose of Prince of Wales Mini School is to create a positive learning environment where students are challenged to excel in a broad range of subjects. We offer an intellectually rigorous academic curriculum, as well as exposure to a wide variety of enrichment activities. We encourage students to develop as well-rounded individuals – to find an appropriate balance of academic, athletic, artistic and social pursuits.