Selection Criteria
Each year 28 students are admitted at the Grade 8 level. Prince of Wales Mini School seeks students who have demonstrated a high level of academic achievement. Acceptance is based on the merit of the application and an interview process. The following criteria are used to select candidates for each phase of our application process.
1) Minimum criteria for short-list and interview offer:
Academically capable – as demonstrated by a record of academic excellence (based on report cards and teacher comments; minimum of an “Applying/Proficient” or equivalent proficiency in the subjects of Math, English, Social Studies, and Science)
Self-motivated – as demonstrated by report card grades and teacher comments;
Involved in school and community activities – as demonstrated by the candidate’s completed application form (page 3);
Socially skilled (attributes that enable the student to establish and maintain positive relationships with students from a variety of backgrounds and viewpoints) – as demonstrated by report card comments.
*Note: While many applicants may meet the above minimum criteria, we regret that we only have the time and resources to offer interviews to approx. the top 100 applicants that do so (approx. 50 students of each gender). Past successful applicants for an interview offer tend to have mostly “Extending” proficiencies on their report cards.
2) Criteria for program spot offer: (in addition to the criteria listed above)
Academically capable – as demonstrated by a record of academic excellence (based on report cards and teacher comments) and by the student’s performance on all tasks/assessments during the interview session.
Self-motivated – as demonstrated by the student’s performance during the group and individual interviews
Socially skilled (attributes that enable the student to establish and maintain positive relationships with students from a variety of backgrounds and viewpoints) – as demonstrated by report card comments and the student’s performance during the group interview.
*Note: We regret that we can only offer spots in our program to the top 28 students of our short-listed pool of applicants based on the above criteria.